Lweza Agriculture Resource Demonstration Center (LARDC)

The LARDC is being developed in order to improve and scale up agricultural practices in the Lweza community in collaboration with local community members and International organizations working on agricultural issues.
The center is intended to serve as a community-based means for improving nutrition, generating income and specifically helping to improve the skills and knowledge of agricultural practices of women and youth in the Lweza community.

The foci will be in the areas of:
Agri-business skills development
Vegetable production
Farmer Training
Banana production (both matooke and sweet bananas)
Cattle, Pork, Poultry, and fish production
Biodigester, methane gas, and manure

The LADRC will serve as a comprehensive service-learning and training center and engage farmers and other community members with hands-on activities and demonstrations that provide real-time learning experiences. Additionally, our setup allows for immediate assistance and demonstrations for community members who have agriculture-related questions. Lastly, the LADRC is the principal avenue for demonstrations, training, and disseminating technical innovations.